Pietrucha Group is a Gold Partner of the 19th Technical Dam Control International Conference
Pietrucha Group is a Gold Partner of the 19th Technical Dam Control International Conference

We are happy to announce that the Pietrucha Group is a Gold Partner of the 19th Technical Dam Control International Conference, which will be held on September 7-10, 2021 in Legnica, South-Western Poland.
We would like to invite you to participate in this high level event, organized under the patronage of the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers and the Chief Inspector of Building Supervision. The conference is dedicated to theoreticians and practitioners dealing with designing, construction and exploitation of hydraulic structures.
You are especially welcome to the technical session devoted to the research, operation and maintenance of hydrotechnical structures, which will take place on Thursday, September 9, from 8.30-10.30. During the session, our engineers from the R&D and Design Support teams will share the experience of the Pietrucha Group and the results of research in the field of constant monitoring of deformations and water-tightness of the structure of cut-off barriers made of vinyl sheet piles with a soft PVC gasket.
The conference is organized in a hybrid form, details, and registration link: