

Vinyl sheet piles have become a common solution for many engineering applications, thanks to their durability, resistance to corrosion, and ease of installation. It must however be remembered that owing to the specificity of the thermoplastic material, certain aspects of vinyl sheet piles design process require special approach compared to traditional steel counterparts.

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vinyl sheet piles used as flood protection structure


Effective flood protection is a combination of many elements: thoughtful spatial planning, the use of warning systems, public education, with the key factors being proper design and construction of technical infrastructure using materials that, when a threat arises, will allow control over the disaster without harming the environment.

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The use of vinyl sheet piles in infrastructure construction worldwide is becoming increasingly common, driven by their numerous benefits. In the face of the growing demands of modern construction projects, vinyl sheet piles are becoming a vital alternative to traditional materials like steel or concrete, offering modern solutions tailored to diverse conditions and needs.

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Vinyl Sheet Piles Application to Prevent Hydraulic Breakthrough – A Case Study of the Kąpielka Cascaded Reservoir

As urbanization accelerates, the demand for green recreational areas is more critical than ever. These spaces not only enhance the quality of life for city residents but also play a vital role in promoting biodiversity and supporting sustainable development. In this context, one effective approach to developing such water reservoirs is the use of vinyl sheet piles. Made from recycled materials, these lightweight profiles offer a lower environmental impact during manufacturing and transportation.

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Flood and the City

Flash floods in urban areas are becoming an increasingly frequent and severe phenomenon. The rise in the frequency and intensity of rainfall, combined with the sealing of soil in cities, leads to a rapid water run-off and flooding.

In some cases, urban flash floods occur even dozens of times more often than just 15-20 years ago. What should be done to be better prepared for such situations?

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Flood Safety: Dangers of Driving Through Water and How to Stay Safe

Flooded roads are a common hazard, and even shallow water can be dangerous – we have seen this recently in Dubai. Even driving through a puddle at high speed can result in water being sucked into the engine, flooding the ignition and electronics (such as the alternator or control computer), damaging the brake discs or exhaust system components such as the turbocharger, DPF filter or catalytic converter. But what if you are planning a car trip when there is a high probability of severe weather, floods and flooding? This article outlines the risks of driving through floodwater and provides crucial safety tips to keep you and your car protected.

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Can Vinyl Sheet Piling Live Up to its Green Potential? Exploring Production, Use, and Disposal

Climate changes have been progressing at an increased pace. Climate changes have been progressing at an increased pace. According to the data gathered by the UE Copernicus Climate Change Service, 2023 has witnessed an unparalleled surge in global temperatures, setting a new record with an average annual value of 14.98°C, surpassing the previous high in 2016 by 0.17°C [1]. When taking measures to deal with such intensifying phenomena which take on a global character, it is necessary not only to effectively mitigate the consequences of climate change, but also to select tools and methods that will minimize the negative impact of the remedial activities carried out on the environment. In light of the above, vinyl sheet piling used in civil engineering and hydrotechnical investments seem to be of the solutions worth considering because of their low carbon footprint and the fact that they are manufactured from recycled material.

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Robust and Versatile Structures with Vinyl Sheet Piles: A Comprehensive Approach to Designing

Basic geotechnical analysis is based on standards applied to traditional retaining walls, albeit with consideration of the specific properties of the material. It's worth noting that designing vinyl sheet piles requires certain modifications compared to their steel counterparts. Due to the lower strength of PVC, allowable internal forces are reduced. Additionally, considering the material's specificity, the possibility of its parameters changing over time, influenced by environmental factors and loading conditions, must be accounted for.

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Vinyl sheet piles installed to protect the embankment of a private pond

Reinforcement and protection of watercourse embankments - vinyl sheet piles and willow hurdles technology comparison

Vinyl sheet piles have been used in the broadly understood infrastructure construction, covering many industries, both on land and in water. Owing to their low weight, ease and speed of installation and exceptional durability, structures made of PVC profiles are becoming more and more popular also in projects previously dominated by traditional technologies. In the case of investments aimed at securing and reinforcement of embankments of watercourses and reservoirs, can vinyl sheet piles be a better choice than technologies such as willow hurdles?

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Closing the Loop: Exploring the Potential of Vinyl Sheet Piles Recyclability

Grodzice winylowe zyskały na popularności w różnych projektach budowlanych ze względu na ich trwałość, wszechstronność i korzyści dla środowiska. Jednakże, wraz z końcem cyklu życia profili winylowych pojawia się pytanie o recykling. W tym artykule, odnosząc się do produkowanych przez Grupę Pietrucha grodzic, omawiamy możliwości i ograniczenia recyklingu grodzic winylowych, poruszamy kwestię ich oddziaływania na środowisko, jak również analizujemy wyzwania techniczne i wskazujemy potencjalne kierunki rozwoju procesu recyklingu. Warto podkreślić, że patrzymy na ten temat z perspektywy producenta wytwarzającego swoje grodzice winylowe na terytorium Unii Europejskiej.

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Vinyl Sheet Piles Installation in Difficult Ground Conditions

Grodzice winylowe na przestrzeni ostatnich lat zdobywają coraz większe zainteresowanie inżynierów lądowych jako alternatywa dla grodzic stalowych. Technologia grodzic winylowych, kojarzona głównie z „lekką” inżynierią lądową, została już zastosowana wiele razy w dużych i skomplikowanych projektach. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiamy case study z tego typu przedsięwzięć, które pokazują, jak dzięki odpowiedniemu przygotowaniu, zarówno na etapie planowania, projektowania, jak i montażu, firmom wykonawczym udało się pokonać wyzwania związane z  montażem grodzic winylowych w trudnych warunkach gruntowych.

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Vinyl sheet piles used to protect peatlands within the Natura 2000 area [5]

Leveraging Vinyl Sheet Piles for Peatland Restoration

Peatlands have a tremendous ability to cool the climate. Such wetland ecosystems remove carbon from the carbon cycle by binding and storing. For this reason, peatlands are increasingly appearing in the debate on climate change, as they play a fundamental role as carbon reservoirs, effectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

European specialists, recognizing the need to protect valuable wetland ecosystems, are looking for innovative solutions to stop the ongoing degradation. This article discusses the use of modern technologies, such as the use of vinyl fences with a seal in projects aimed at protecting peatlands from drying out. Such innovative methods, although less traditional than historically used natural materials, such as wood, offer many environmental, economic, and practical benefits.

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Designing vinyl sheet pile structures using the Sheeting Check module in the GEO-5 software

The number of challenges facing geotechnical engineers in their daily work is constantly growing, and these are not only technical problems, but also those arising from time pressure and budget constraints. Fortunately, modern geotechnical engineers have access to up-to-date knowledge and skills, and they can use modern tools in their work, including specialized programs for performing simple but also more complex geotechnical analyses.

One such program used by our geotechnical team at the Pietrucha Group in their daily work, related to the design of vinyl sheeting structures, is the Sheeting Check module which is part of the GEO-5 software, provided by Fine Software.

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Vinyl sheet piles: a resilient and environmentally friendly response to the consequences of El Niño

In the realm of civil and mining construction, particularly in regions susceptible to the extremes of El Niño, PVC sheet piles emerge as a pivotal tool. Their application holds the promise of not only enhancing flood management and erosion protection but also standing as a stalwart ally in the battle against drought, whether in agricultural expanses, forests, or wetlands.

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Reinforcement and protection of watercourse embankments - vinyl sheet piles vs other available technologies

Vinyl sheet piles have been used in the broadly understood infrastructure construction, covering many industries, both on land and in water. Owing to their low weight, ease and speed of installation and exceptional durability, structures made of PVC profiles are becoming more and more popular also in projects previously dominated by traditional technologies. In the case of investments aimed at securing and reinforcement of embankments of watercourses and reservoirs, vinyl sheet piles are an alternative worth considering in comparison with technologies such as willow hurdles, stone riprap or concrete slabs.

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Vinyl sheet piles used as an element of flood protection infrastructure of the city of Cracow: the next stage of the project to enhance the flood resilience of the Bieżanów district.

Intense but short-term rainfalls and violent weather anomalies triggered by climate change, unsustainable urbanization comprised some of the most important factors that contributed to flooding, which we analysed in the article dedicated to the Złocień housing estate in Cracow, which is part of the historic Bieżanów district. As the construction works in the next stage of this project have just been completed, we continue the story about the solution that not only helped enhance the flood resilience of Bieżanów but also generated considerable investment savings.

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vinyl sheet piles price

Vinyl sheet piles in place of steel sheet piles i.e. how flexible approach and openness to innovation helped cut the investment costs of the flood protection project carried out in Cracow.

As the impact of extreme weather triggered by the ongoing climate change becomes more and more destructive, it is essential to maintain flood protection infrastructure in good working order. Flood embankments which constitute the first line of defense against flooding, must be especially taken care of since their infallible operation is particularly important where water resources, e.g. rivers are part of the urban landscape.

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Flood protection infrastructure: vinyl sheet piles used as an element of a storm protection system at a marine harbor in Northern Poland

A throwback to a project carried out at the Baltic coast in Poland, where our vinyl sheet piles were used in to construct the storm protection infrastructure at a marine harbor in Kąty Rybackie. EcoLock profiles formed cut-off wall which was topped with a retaining wall made of reinforced concrete. Thanks to this investment, carried out by the Marine Authority in Gdynia, the area gained protection against floodings caused by the damming up of water in the Vistula Lagoon. The Pietrucha Group, on the other hand, has added another invaluable experience to its project portfolio.

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Flood embankments and retention reservoirs and other strategic elements of flood protection infrastructure, due to their function, require reliable design and implementation. The rising prices of construction materials and costs of transport have drawn the attention of investors to solutions alternative to steel and concrete for the construction of such infrastructure. This resulted in their increased interest in the technology of vinyl sheet piles and its competitive advantages over traditional solutions.

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Small retention consists in collecting water in natural (ponds, oxbow lakes) and artificial (ponds, streams, small dam reservoirs) with a capacity of up to several thousand cubic meters, as well as in river networks and drainage ditches. By increasing the humidity of habitats and raising the level of groundwater, small retention allows you to create a microclimate that is more friendly to fauna and flora. Traditionally, wood, concrete, stone or steel were used to build such hydrotechnical structures. A more durable, ecological and cost-efficient alternative to conventional solutions are products made of thermoplastics, e.g. vinyl sheet piles and small retention sluices.

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Money talks i.e. vinyl sheet piles vs steel sheet piles costs analysis

As in the case of any infrastructure investment, when it comes to civil engineering projects involving the application of a sheet pile technology, one of the most important components of the project documentation is the costs analysis, taking into account various available solutions. When estimating the total project budget, it is critical to comprehensively consider the full range of cost drivers and the pros and cons of each technology. Only then is it possible to make conscious and responsible decisions and make choices which will affect our planet and the well-being of future generations for many years to come.

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Vinyl sheet piles with gaskets i.e. how we perfect our solutions

Anti-filtration barriers are important elements of hydrotechnical structures or waste landfills. Their primary objective is to significantly reduce or even completely prevent the migration of water or pollutants through the structure. The technology of vinyl sheet piles with gaskets seems to be a break-through alternative to traditional methods of building leak-proof cut-off walls in the ground.

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Vinyl sheet piles used to construct flood protection infrastructure in a urbanized area

When planning new developments within cities, one of the biggest challenges is fitting such investments and their accompanying infrastructure into the existing urban fabric, so that the development does not impact the existing balance. The Złocień residential estate in Cracow is one example of where unthoughtful planning has led to serious consequences, with floods on the estate being the result. However, thanks to the implementation of modern technologies and materials, the situation was successfully addressed. In this article, we analyze how the application of the EcoLock vinyl sheet pile technology by Pietrucha protected the residents of Złocień and helped generate considerable savings on the remedy works.

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Vinyl sheet piles and microplastics - is there any threat?

As environmental concerns continue to rise, the time has come to consider in Episode 20 of our series, the impact of vinyl sheet piles on microplastics. Is there any threat posed by vinyl sheet piles to the environment and the presence of microplastics in the water?

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Hybrid cut-off wall (HPP) technology applied to construct dam reservoirs

Carrying our maintenance works at dam reservoirs is always a challenge, from the very beginning of the entire project i.e. the design phase. When choosing the most suitable technology, the designer must take into consideration technical conditions in which the maintenance will be carried out, the ground and water conditions, terrain constraints as well as the budget available.

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Location: Gdańsk
Product: Mobile flood protection barriers

Flood protecton of a public utility building

Comparative assessment of the carbon footprint of retaining walls made of pvc and steel

In this comparative assessment of the carbon footprint of retaining walls made of pvc and steel, we analyzed a 50-year life cycle of a 1 km retention wall constructed along an embankment, made of 5 metre long profiles.

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Location: The Masuria Lake District
Product: Vinyl sheet piling

Vinyl sheet piles by Pietrucha will help protect the fauna inhabiting the Masurian Canals

The much needed and long-awaited comprehensive renovation of four Masurian Canals is underway: Tałcki, Grunwaldzki, Szymoński and Mioduński. The project did not forget about ecology – our top quality vinyl sheet piles were used to build approx. 50 passages for animals inhabiting the canal area.

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PVC piling - an ideal solution for riverbank protection

Vinyl sheet piling in river bank protection and regulation

PVC piling may be used to protect and regulate rivers, ditches or channels. Thanks to their structure, EcoLock piling systems easily adjust to the natural curvatures of the terrain.

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Installation of long PVC profiles - our expertise

Vinyl sheet piles - many people in the industry have probably heard about this type of building material more than once, but most of them know it as a solution that has a very narrow range of applications. Yes, they are durable, they are non-corrosive, they are resistance to most chemicals, but the doubts mainly refer to the troublesome installation.

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Częstochowa: pvc piling used to reinforce flood walls

A case study involving the use of the EcoLock vinyl sheet piling structure designed and manufactured by the Pietrucha Group in the project of reconstruction and modernisation of flood protection structures in the area of Częstochowa, which began in 2015.

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PVC piling will help the nature - bird island on the Goczałkowice Lake

Construction of a "bird island" on the Goczałkowice Lake has just started. The 450 square metre artificial island will provide nesting ground to river tern. The investment is part of the LifeVistulaPL project and is financed by EU and the National Environment and Water Industry Fund.


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One of the highest temporary separation walls in Poland

In January 2018, the Pietrucha Group delivered a IBS temporary separation wall. with the height of approximately 5 metres, it is one of the highest temporary separation walls installed in Poland. 

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